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Revitalizing childcare environments: Bridging healthscapes for Vitality in Vrygrond, Cape Town

Siterfania Santos Borges

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The therapeutic benefits of nature and outdoor spaces are well-documented, yet many child and youth-focused facilities overlook the integration of healing gardens. This research targets Vrygrond, Cape Town, due to its proximity to vast open spaces and educational centers. The study aims to design supportive environments for children, educators, staff, and the community, emphasizing the restorative powers of nature, particularly for trauma- affected individuals. Illustrated through the narratives of Thabo, Thandi, and Victor, the research comprises four sections: narrative-based hypothesis, literature review on healing garden design, design development, and material design exploration. The study hopes to highlight the potential of healing gardens to improve youth development, community resilience, and the ambiance of educational settings. Key research questions include strategies for landscape design to maximize benefits and identifying crucial facilitating elements.

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